I’m ba-ack

Well, it’s been a while–almost a whole year, to be exact–and yes, I’m still fat.

I don’t really have a good excuse for not posting–or losing the chub–over the past year. Yes, I’ve been busy with work, freelance work, wedding planning and buying a house (!), but I thrive on working myself into the ground. It’s just how I roll.

Truth be told, I can attribute part of it to some medical issues I’ve been dealing with, but that’s a lame excuse and I won’t bore you with details. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

I’m heading full-swing into fat-busting once again so I don’t have to waddle down the aisle in September, and boy, do I have my work cut out for me. I reached an all-time high of 260 pounds, meaning I had literally doubled in size since high school. Ugh, I know.


Since January 5, I’ve lost almost 13 pounds, simply by eating healthy and exercising again. My goal is to lose 60 pounds by the time my wedding rolls around, which I think is more than reasonable in eight months. In related news, no more nacho pig-out fests for me in the foreseeable future.

I’m back, bitches. You ready for me?